This July, RISTEKDIKTI-MTIC Award 2017 Judging Day


To support science culture development in Indonesia dan bridhing Indonesia scientists to creat technology-based innovation, Martha Tilaar Innovation Center (MTIC) in collaboration with .... (RISTEKDIKSTI) held RISTEKDIKTI-MTIC Award 2017. And in order to increase Indonesia potency in facing AFTA, the theme of this scientific competision is Innovation and Research Amplification to Increase Competitiveness and Independency of Herb and Cosmetic Industry.


The judgement day of RISTEKDIKTI-MTIC Award has been held on previous Monday (12/07) at Hermitage Hotel, Central Jakarta. Followed by nine participants fom various universities in Indonesia, the judges will choose and select three best scientific work that is considered eligible with RISTEKDIKTI-MTIC Award. To choose the winner, this scientific competition assessed by nine judges, they are:

Dr. Jumain Appe
General Director of Innovation Amplification
Ministry of High Education, Technology, and Research

Kilala Tilaar, BS., BA., MBA
Director of Corporate Creative and Innovative
Martha Tilaar Group

Dr. Ir. Listyani Wijayanti
Professional Reviewer

Dr. Agung Eru Wibowo, MSi., Apt.
Head of Biotechnology Hall
Agency of Technology Application and Assesment (BPPT)

Dr. Darmawan Darwis M.Sc., Apt.
Researcher/Head of Radiation Process
Radiation and Isotope Center (PAIR)
Agency of National Nuclear Energy (BATAN)

Prof. Dr. dr. Erni H. Purwaningsih, MS.
Professor of Doctoral Pharmaceutical
Doctoral Faculty of Indonesia University

Dra. Nuning S. Barwa, Apt., MBA.
Supervisor of Creative Corporate and Innovative
Martha Tilaar Group

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bernard T. Widjaja, MM.
General Manager of Herbal Plant
Martha Tilaar Group

Benny Winoto, SE., MM.
Director of Sales and Marketing
Martha Tilaar Group

Henceforward, the winners of RISTEKDIKTI-MTIC Award 2017 will be announced on Wednesday, August 2, 2017.