Coelogyne marthae Postage Stamp Launched at Two Decades of Bogor Botanical Gard


Bogor Botanical Garden has given massive contribution as the lungs of the country and Indonesia’s biodiversity conservation for the past 200 years. Now that Bogor Botanical Garden has existed for two centuries, they are still consistent in running their mission to preserve the nature and become the part of plants conservation to save them from extinction, utilize plants benefits through research development and reintroduction to the plants natural habitat. To appreciate their efforts, the celebration of the two decades of Bogor Botanical Garden was held on May 18, 2017.

The fifth President of Indonesia and Chairwoman of Bogor Botanical Garden Foundation, Megawati Soekarnoputri attended the celebration along with the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya, Head of Plant Reservation Center at LIPI Didik Widyatmoko and Martha Tilaar Group’s Chairwoman Dr. (H.C.) Martha Tilaar. Many activities and exhibitions were held to enliven the celebration, including Indonesia’s flora exhibition, marathon race competition, the inauguration of Rafflesia Monument, and the launching of stamp series with the title of “Negara Kesatuan RI dalam Puspa”, which collaborating with state postal company, PT Pos Indonesia. One of the stamps that launched on the event was Coelogyne marthae. It is a special stamp with the print of Coelogyne marthae orchid that originated from East Kalimantan. The orchid was named after Dr. (H.C.) Martha Tilaar.

 “Stamp is one of the state’s official products that functioned as national promotion tool for natural resources and culture of every country around the world. The signing has been recorded internationally in the head office of Universal Postal Union (UPU), the UN specialized agency for postal sector, which located in Swiss,” Minister Rudiantara stated after stamp signing.