Coelogyne marthae, Orchid of Indonesia: Where It Come From?


Indonesia is a paradise for million species of plants, including orchid. In fact, based on Ennie Sutoto from Indonesia Orchid Assosiation statement, one-thrid orchid in the world are from Indonesia. But as time goes by, now the damage of its habitat and ecosystem that is triggered by nature or human needs, makes orchid become one of endangered species, including Coelogyne marthae S.E.C Sierra.

Coelogyne genus is one of the new and rare orchids that live in epiphytic way. There are about 200 species of Coelogyne genus and 60 of it come from Kalimantan. Coelogyne marthae S.E.C is one of 60 species from this genus that known as endemic orchid of Borneo, East Borneo to be exact. Quoted from Harian Nasional, it’s not easy for Coelogyne marthae to survive in nature. The success of this green-yellowish flower to regenerate is influenced by support system around the planting environment that fullfiling the needs of the orchid itself. Said by Orchid Curator of Bogor Botanical Garden Sofi Mursidawati, in normal ecosystem, Coelogyne marthae is not easy to find because orchid can only be identified when the flower grows, which is not always happen when exploration run by the researchers. The mix of this difficulties and natural damage, somehow, give contribution to scarcity status of Coelogyne marthae.

The name of Coelogyne marthae itself taken by the name of Martha Tilaar Group Founder, Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar. The naming was given by The National Herbarium of the Netherlands for she built Martha Tilaar Professorial Chair in Leiden University, in 2000. More over, the naming also given to give an appreciation for her efforts to run local cosmetic company and also natural conservation based on local wisdom and proceed it scientifically for today and future’s life.