Sariayu and Puspita Martha Collaborate to Beautify Asian Games 2018


Asian Games 2018 Jakarta-Palembang has brought so many unforgetable moments and experiences to Indonesia. Not just because this is the second time Indonesia chosen to co-host this prestigious event since 1962, but also because Indonesia engraved National history by winning most gold during Asian Games, 31 gold medal to be exact. This achievement also put Indonesia in 10 most successful countries for Asian Games ranks.

Beside the hard work of all athletes in giving their best shot for the country, the festivity of Asian Games 2018 is not separatable with its amazing opening and closing ceremony. Whoever watch the show will mesmerized by the harmonization between the magnificent stage, sound, lighting, video mapping, and fireworks, not to mention the great performance of 5.000 performers that involved.  No wonder if Asian Games 2018 received a lot of appreciations from local and international community.

So, who are the people behind 5.000 performers of Asian Games 2018? Beautifying Indonesia campaign has raise to the next level. In collaboration with Sariayu, one of Martha Tilaar Group brands that chosen by Inasgoc to be the Official Makeup Supplier for Asian Games 2018, 400 makeup artist of Puspita Martha has successfuly beautify those performers. “For opening ceremony, we brought 370 makeup artists on the team for 3.500 performers, meanwhile, due to limited quota, we brought 130 makeup artists to beautify 1.500 performers for the closing ceremony. Therefor we should do more stricter selection for the closing event,” said Lucia Tan, Makeup Director of Asian Games 2018 who is also a senior makeup artist of Puspita Martha.

In the closing ceremony of Asian Games 2018 (2/8), Lucia and her team facing no obstacles although they should do makeup for thousand people in quite short time. “There was no meaningful obstacles actually. Instead, we are so honored to participate in Asian Games 2018. To beautify those performers and athletes, so they could performe in their best appearance. For Puspita Martha, Sariayu, and Martha Tilaar Group, this is such a proud, fun, and memorable moment indeed,” added by Lucia. For this international sport event, Puspita Martha team used 4.540 Sariayu Natural Glow Series, 2.660 Sariayu Color Trend Inspirasi Jakarta, 2.142 Sariayu Skin Care, and 155 Sariayu Hair Care.